Youth & Family Services

The Youth & Family Services Department focuses on the unique challenges faced by adolescents, particularly those related to substance abuse and mental health. This department provides specialized counseling tailored for teens aged 12 to 17, offering both outpatient and intensive outpatient treatments. A key aspect of our approach is collaborating with local schools from elementary grade level to high school grade level, where they provide early intervention, treatment, mental health, and prevention services on campus.

The Mental Health and Treatment Services branch offers a comprehensive suite of services. This includes early intervention, individualized treatment planning, patient education, group counseling, and a variety of youth prevention services. These prevention services span across schools, youth centers, and community centers, featuring a 5-week education program, 1-time brief psychoeducational workshops, peer-led support groups, HIV testing, and more. Services can include but not limited to pro-social activities, individual therapy, crisis intervention, family therapy, case management, and weekly drug testing.

For parents and families, our youth and family services department conduct family sessions and workshops to educate on various topics, including opioid overdose prevention, red flags, life skills, parenting styles, breaking the cycle of trauma, and life skills. Additionally, the Project S.T.O.P Community Base Coalition focuses on professional development, workshops, networking, and capacity building a body of preventionist that meet quarterly in-person.

Lastly, the Jovenes Speak Up Youth Leadership initiative empowers youth to become peer advocates. It encourages networking and brainstorming for community activities, providing community service hours and letters of recommendation for participants. This holistic approach addresses not only the individual needs of adolescents dealing with substance abuse but also engages their families and the wider community to create a supportive and informed environment.

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
  • Tuesday: 8:00am - 9:00pm
  • Wednesday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
  • Thursday: 8:00am - 9:00pm
  • Friday: 8:00am - 5:30pm
  • Saturday: 7:00am - 4:00pm
  • Sunday: Closed

Services Provided

  • Outpatient and Intensive Outpatient
  • Individual and Group Counseling
  • Individual Therapy
  • Case Management
  • HIV Supportive Services
  • Random Urinalysis and Mouth Swab Testing
  • Prevention Education
  • Monthly Progress Reports Available
  • Family Groups


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