Welcome to Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol & Drug Abuse (L.A. CADA). We are dedicated to helping those dealing with addiction and behavioral health issues. Our goal is to save lives, unite families, and protect the community. We do this through specialized addiction counseling and health education. As a recognized provider in California and Los Angeles County, we offer high-quality substance use and behavioral treatment.
At L.A. CADA, we focus on each client's unique needs, especially those with past trauma, to help them recover. Our services are comprehensive and holistic, and we welcome everyone, regardless of their financial status, health, insurance, job, or immigration status.
Our facilities include:
05 Outpatient Treatment Centers
04 Residential Treatment Centers
01 Crisis Residential Program
14 Recovery Bridge Housing
03 Community Reentry Programs
Facilities across L.A. County
State-licensed Treatment Beds
Recovery Bridge Housing Beds
L.A. CADA is a place for all ages, genders, sexual orientations, and backgrounds. We're here to support everyone on their journey to recovery and wellbeing.
If you think you or someone you know might need help, take our assessment
Our Vision is to enhance the educational and economic well-being of the people we serve by means of direct human services, advocacy, and referrals.
Our Mission is to save lives, unite families, and protect the community through addiction counseling and healthy living education.
Our Values embrace the empowerment of people through compassion, perseverance and respect. We are able to provide a wide range of services thanks to a collaborative approach compatible with healthy communities, dedicated partners, and unique foundation.
Our vision, mission and values inform
the direction and efforts of L.A. CADA now and into the future.